Chapter in Newly-Published Book.
This chapter was inspired by a meeting in late 2011 with a person who had been a leading activist at the time that the HIV/AIDS epidemic accelerated in the 1980s. In that new field of medicine, new styles of health care developed, and new coalitions between the various stakeholders – researchers, clinicians, and those at risk – emerged, as a result of which many lives were saved. That was twenty years ago. Since then, these advances in health care have spread around the world, and to many other fields of medicine, and we are all beneficiaries of those how took the lead in the 1980s. In this chapter, I give my best attempt so far to describe how the same sort of fruitful coalition might grow in the mental health area, which, is often (in my opinion in New Zealand, and probably elsewhere) multiply-fragmented, to the detriment of many people affected by mental illnesses. The PDF version of the chapter is posted here: 04-Miller-Chimes_of_Time. The flyer for the whole book is also posted here: Chimes_of_Times_flyer